Bowls England is delighted to announce its completion of the Assurance Framework, which National Governing Bodies (NGBs) must fulfil to certify to UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) that they are meeting their anti-doping responsibilities.
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) published the updated 2021 UK National Anti-Doping Policy (Policy) in April 2021, which all NGBs must be compliant with. This was the first update of the Policy since its implementation in 2009.
UKAD, which is responsible for ensuring that sports bodies comply with the World Anti-Doping Code through its implementation and management of the Policy, introduced the Assurance Framework for NGBs to be able to evidence their compliance with the Policy.
The introduction of the Assurance Framework is the most significant change in the Policy. It outlines a series of mandatory requirements which all NGBs must fulfil. These requirements include the creation of an education strategy and plan, the implementation of anti-doping rules and increased involvement of an NGB’s Board with clean sport.
Upon completion of the Assurance Framework Jon Cockcroft, Bowls England Chief Executive, said: “We are proud to work with UK Anti-Doping to keep sport clean and delighted to have completed the Assurance Framework. To achieve this, we have produced an Education Strategy that informs how every member of Bowls England can receive appropriate training and information. We have also updated our Regulations to demonstrate our organisation’s commitment to good governance in this area of work.”
UKAD’s Director of Legal and Regulatory Affairs, Nisha Dutt, said: “I’d like to congratulate Bowls England for completing the UKAD Assurance Framework, which demonstrates a commitment to clean sport. Bowls England can now fully show that it is meeting its anti-doping responsibilities.”
For more information on the Policy and Assurance Framework, visit the UKAD website.
Bowls England’s Anti-Doping Education Strategy was developed as part of the work to achieve the Assurance Framework. This includes details on the categorisation of athletes within our sport and the appropriate training/information available.
Four tiers of athlete were identified:
- Performance Programme (including coaches and managers);
- International players and British Isles Championship representatives;
- National Finals qualifiers/County & Club competitive players;
- Club recreational players
Whilst we recognise that within our sport, players may participate in more than one tier, for the purpose of anti-doping players are ‘classified’ within the highest tier eligible to them and receive education relevant to that tier.
For example, every athlete and team official that attended the Commonwealth Games undertook Anti-Doping education ahead of their attendance at the Games. Athletes at International Events and National Finals also receive appropriate advice directly in advance of their participation.
Information for all players in Tier 3 and Tier 4 is also freely available on our website. We estimate that the vast majority of our participants fall into Tier 3 and Tier 4.
Therapeutic Use Exemption
If an athlete with a legitimate medical condition needs to use a prohibited substance or method, they will need to apply for a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) at the appropriate time.
Currently, players in Tier 1 and Tier 2 must currently apply for a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) in advance of an event. Players in Tier 3 and Tier 4 only need to apply for a TUE following an anti-doping test.