Bowls England launches Workout Videos

7th April, 2020

Bowls England is excited to launch three workout videos for our bowlers, so you can stay fit and healthy by working out while we’re all staying in.

The workouts have been designed to help bowlers stay fit and well during the current coronavirus restrictions, so we are all ready and able to start playing again when we get back out on the green.

Mal Evans, Bowls England Director of Coaching, said: “We are delighted to be able to provide these interactive workouts for our members during the current situation. We believe that keeping healthy at home is imperative to the wellbeing of our members and we believe that these workout sessions provide exactly what bowlers need at this time.”

The workouts have been created especially for Bowls England by experienced Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach, Kate Swinson, to motivate and support our bowlers with the fitness and wellness services we need while we are in lock-down and unable to play.

The three workouts vary in intensity and have been specifically designed for bowlers. They range from an introduction level, suitable for all ages and abilities, that focuses on balance, flexibility and core strength, to a more advanced full body workout for the more physically able and a high intensity cardio workout for those who want even more.

Kate Swinson, our Personal Trainer, says: “Exercise and moving our bodies daily can help to alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety, and boost feel good endorphins that improve our mood.

“It is also a great way to break up your day and create a routine. I’ve created these workouts specifically for bowlers, to keep you fit and improve the flexibility, balance and strength that you need to play bowls safely, as this can decline rapidly if we don’t remain active.

“Staying fit and healthy through regular exercise and movement can still be achieved even if you’re self-isolating. You need very little space and the only equipment you need to do these workouts is a sturdy chair and your bowls.”

Experts at the Centre for Perioperative Care (CPOC) have advised: “People should prepare to fight coronavirus like they would prepare for surgery by staying fit and healthy.”

The CPOC is encouraging people to take regular exercise, ideally a brisk walk, cycle or jog; strengthening and balance exercises are also recommended. They are also encouraging people to stop smoking, maintain good nutrition and mental health and have alcohol free days to reduce their chances of becoming severely ill from the virus and over-burdening the NHS.

Of course, while we’ve designed them specifically for you, anyone can do these workouts – so feel free to share them with all your non-bowling friends and family too!

Workout 1 (Introduction for all ages and abilities)
Focusing on balance, flexibility and core strength.
Equipment required: Sturdy chair and a set of bowls.

Workout 2 (Advanced full body workout)
Focusing on building strength and balance and targeting core.
Equipment required: An exercise/yoga/camping mat and a set of bowls.

Workout 3 (Advanced fitness)
Features an advanced high intensity 10 minute cardio workout to increase cardio fitness.

The three workout sessions are available to view on Bowls England’s YouTube channel here

For those of you who are going to join in with the Bowls England workout sessions, please ensure you have created some space around you, have some water at the ready! By taking part in the workout sessions, you are taking responsibility for your own safety in your own space and you hereby confirm that you are physically fit and do not know of any reason why you should not be exercising or taking part in the sessions.

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