Bowls England Safeguarding Update

8th July, 2022


New laws and guidance available


‘No one in sport and physical activity; whether they are a volunteer, participant, spectator or elite athlete, should ever have to worry about abuse or harassment.’


We are committed to safeguarding all those who participate in our sport, ensuring they can do so in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment.  We aim to enable all of our clubs and county associations to provide safe environments for all participants.  To this end, we will be starting to circulate regular safeguarding updates to all safeguarding officers.  In order to circulate this information we would like to build a contact of safeguarding officers at clubs and counties, we have attached a link below for you to fill in the contact details.


Register contact details


New Laws:

As of Wednesday 28th June 2022, the law changed.  Sections 16 to 19 of the Sexual Offense Act 2003 now states that it is illegal for an adult in a position of trust to be involved in sexual activity with a person who is 17 years or younger, and that they look after.  Further information on the law change can be found here.  Our policies and procedures have been updated in line with recent legal changes but ask for clubs and counties to make those in positions of trust aware of this law change.  Positions of trust in sport organisations and regular activities, include but are not limited to coaches, trainers, team managers etc.


New Guidance:

The Bowls England website has recently been updated to include new guidance and information for clubs.  These include new safeguarding posters for clubs, information sharing guidance for clubs, draft job descriptions for safeguarding officers and much more.  Click here for access to these materials.


Reporting concerns:

We remind all clubs that all safeguarding concerns must be reported to the Bowls England’s Lead Safeguarding Officer for advice in the first instance.  Details can be found here. These include historic allegations and concerns relating to the current welfare/safeguarding of either adults or children in bowls, whether the issue is inside or outside of the sport.  Bowls England’s Lead Safeguarding Officer will work in collaboration with the Case Management Group to provide collective advice, recommendations and decision making. Alternatively if your enquiry is urgent and relating to a Child Protection issue, please contact the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000 or email  If your enquiry is urgent relating to Safeguarding Adults, please contact the Ann Craft Trust on 0115 951 5400 or email

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