‘Business as Usual’ for New-Look Coach Bowls

13th March, 2019

The future of coaching in the sport of bowls is in safe hands. That’s the message from Bowls England and the English Indoor Bowling Association (EIBA) who will assume responsibility for Coach Bowls from the Bowls Development Alliance (BDA) on 1st April 2019.



Coach Bowls was formed in 2011 under the direct management of the BDA and is the only recognised bowls qualification for flat green indoor and outdoor bowls, offering a range of courses to meet the need of current and prospective coaches.

The BDA and the two National Governing Bodies have been working towards a phased transition over the last 18 months. Bowls England and the EIBA have formed a new Company, ‘Coach Bowls Ltd’, as part of the agreement.

The current Coaching Manager, Amanda Scriven-Purcell, will transfer to Coach Bowls Ltd to ensure it is ‘business as usual’ for clubs, coaches, county coaching co-ordinators, tutors and other key stakeholders and will continue to be supported by Adam Durnin.

Tony Allcock MBE, Bowls England Chief Executive and Director of Coach Bowls Ltd, said: “Coaching is vital to the long-term future of the sport of bowls and this will be a significant investment for both national governing bodies in the future. We have been working behind the scenes with the EIBA and BDA to achieve a seamless transition for this key service.”

Peter Thompson, Chief Executive Officer of the English Indoor Bowling Association and Director of Coach Bowls Ltd, added: “The formation of Coach Bowls Ltd is part of a long-term sustainability plan to ensure that coaching is embedded into the sport of bowls and is a great example of the two National Governing Bodies working together towards a common goal in conjunction with the BDA.”

The BDA will continue to work in partnership with Coach Bowls Ltd, by encouraging clubs that are part of its Club Development Programme to invest in qualified coaches.

Susan Cooper, Development Director for the Bowls Development Alliance, said: “As part of the agreement with Sport England, coaching will transition across to Bowls England and English Indoor Bowling Association. Work carried out under the banner of Coach Bowls over the past eight years has resulted in the development of a nationally recognised coaching structure for the sport of bowls. We are delighted that Bowls England and the English Indoor Bowling Association are now in a position to take Coach Bowls forward so that it can be truly embedded into the sport.”

Coach Bowls Ltd will continue to work in partnership with the British Crown Green Bowling Association (BCGBA) and English Short Mat Bowling Association (ESMBA) to ensure that their respective coaching needs are met in accordance with their current agreements.

Coach Bowls Ltd will also look to further its relationship with the English Bowls Coaching Society (EBCS), and to encourage EBCS members to benefit from the Coach Bowls Ltd membership package which includes comprehensive insurance, reduced course costs and news updates.

Four Directors have been appointed to run the new Company on behalf of the partner National Governing Bodies – Tony Allcock MBE and John McGuinness (Bowls England); Peter Thompson and Gordon Thomas (EIBA).

Any queries related to Coach Bowls Ltd should be directed to Amanda Scriven-Purcell (Coaching Manager) on 01926 334910 or e-mail: office@coachbowls.org

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