Hoddesdon bowlathon raises £4,500 for disability charity

22nd January, 2025

An end of Season Bowlathon at Hoddesdon BC (Rosehill) in Hertfordshire saw club members playing up to 100 ends of bowls in a bid to raise funds for a local charity Broxbourne Organisation for the Disabled (BOD).

This event raised over £4,500 for this small local charity, who offer disabled people and their carers a break from the ‘four walls’ of their homes, meeting locally each Wednesday morning for tea/coffee. BOD also organises coach trips to places of interest like Blenheim Palace, London Museums, The London Eye and Southend. BOD will also organise other activities such as a fish and chips get together, and Christmas lunch.


Hoddesdon BC’s treasurer Mike Fry presenting the cheque to Peter Foster from Broxbourne Organisation for the Disabled.


In addition, local transport for individuals and smaller groups is provided by BODbus using BODbus’s own wheelchair friendly minibuses with their own appropriately trained drivers. The money raised will help BOD meet some of its substantial financial costs of servicing, maintenance and fuel for their vehicles.

A cheque was presented to Peter Foster from BOD by Hoddesdon’s Treasurer Mike Fry at our club’s recent Christmas Carols night where festive singing was enjoyed by all.

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