This section lists key contacts for Safeguarding Officers.​


Bowls England Safeguarding Team​

Safeguarding Support​
01929 500 490​​

Bowls Development Alliance​

Safeguarding Support across all bowls codes​
07340 170 052​​

The Police​

This is the number for emergencies in the UK, use it if there is a life-threatening situation or a crime is happening right now​.

This is the number for non-emergency police reporting in the UK, use it for reporting a crime that has already happened where there is no threat to life, or for general police enquiries​.

Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU)​

Advice & support for volunteers in sports clubs​
0116 234 7278​​

The Ann Craft Trust​

Safeguarding, safety & wellbeing support​
0115 951 5400​​

National Domestic Violence Helpline ​

Free 24hr National Domestic Violence Helpline for men, women & children​
0808 2000 247 ​


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