If you have a safeguarding concern, please report it to the Bowls England Safeguarding Team here.​


If you have a safeguarding concern (current or historic) or need further advice, please contact the Bowls England Safeguarding Team using the report button below. Alternatively contact can be made via email safeguarding@bowlsengland.com or via call 01929 500 490. In emergencies call 999.


If you are a child and are concerned, upset or worried about anything, you can call ChildLine free on: 0800 1111. They are there for you to speak to in confidence, anytime, day or night.

Examples safeguarding concerns (not limited to):

  • Evidence of abuse or neglect of a bowls participant
  • Poor practice in coaching eg unnecessary touching, unnecessary messaging or use of inappropriate language
  • Individuals exploiting their position to gain access to children or vulnerable adults
  • Discriminatory language or behaviour
  • Unspent criminal convictions


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