Safeguarding – Have your say

14th November, 2019

The Safeguarding in Bowls Panel is seeking your views.



The Safeguarding in Bowls Panel, of which Bowls England is a key member, is keen to support Safeguarding Officers/Volunteers at Club and County level.

The Panel has created a short survey to learn more about the support you feel you need to carry out your role. The Survey will only take a few minutes to complete and it will help the Panel to consider what more can be done to support you in this role.

To access the Survey go to:

(Please note: You may have received a direct email request to complete the survey in which case there is no need to repeat it)



Have you attended one of the following courses since January 2019?

  • Safeguarding in Bowls – Time to Listen
  • Adult Safeguarding in Bowls

The Safeguarding in Bowls Panel wishes to receive feedback from all those who have attended the following courses since January 2019.

The Survey will only take a few minutes to complete and it will help the Panel to shape future courses

To access the Survey go to:

Don’t forget that Bowls England offers a bursary in support of all members who wish to attend one of the above courses. Details can be found at:

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