Women’s Institute partner with Women Can

28th February, 2019


The Bowls Development Alliance is delighted to announce an exciting new partnership with the National Federation of Women’s Institute (NFWI).

The partners will be working together across the country to provide opportunities for WI members to get involved in the sport of bowls. This project is part of the national WOMEN CAN project which aims to encourage more women to play bowls, coach bowls and volunteer in bowls.

Currently only 39% of the bowling club population in England are women, and this campaign has been developed to increase that number to 45% by 2021.

Anna Coulson, WOMEN CAN lead, said: “We are very excited to be working with the Women’s Institute on this project to encourage more women to become involved in the sport. We hope that we can inspire more women to join the bowling community and enjoy the playing and social opportunities the sport has to offer.”

Lynne Stubbings, Chair of the NFWI, said: “We are delighted to be working with the Bowls Development Alliance on this exciting new project which will inspire and empower WI members to become involved and participate in the sport of bowls. This programme is open to all members, regardless of age or ability and we hope that it’ll be successful in increasing the percentage of women in the English bowling community. For members who already have an interest in bowls, and others that have never played the game before, the programme will offer fun, friendship and a chance to get active outside of WI meetings.”

For more information on this exciting new programme and the WOMEN CAN campaign please contact Anna Coulson anna@playbowls.org or visit the Play Bowls website where the campaign video can be viewed at www.playbowls.org/womencan showcasing what the sport can offer women of all ages.

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