We all have ability, why not come along and show us…

Disability Bowls England (DBE) is the co-ordinating body for bowlers of all ages and abilities with a physical, sensory or memory/learning difficulty.

It is a newly established Charity (August 2015) which was set up to fill the void for disabled bowlers in provision of disability specific bowls opportunities. In its second and third years, the priorities will be to engage with local clubs, building a regional infrastructure to provide regular and easily accessed participation opportunities.

The work of DBE differs from other national bowls bodies as it is the only organisation with the specific aim of delivering multi disability bowls events which includes introductory sessions and introductory competitions, individual coaching and competitive opportunities at local, national and international levels.

We support clubs with...


In 2014, through partnership work and discussion with mainstream and impairment specific bowls organisations it was agreed there was a need for a formal bowls structure/organisation to be developed to address the void in opportunities for disabled players.

Since 2015 the organisation has delivered nationwide activities to cater for different ability levels: introductory days; coaching sessions; regional and national competitions. Pilot work has been undertaken, introduction sessions have been run and the organisation is supporting a growing membership and introducing them to clubs.

The organisation encourages membership from novice and established players of all levels of ability and age. Our membership consists of bowlers with a range of impairments each with their own individual challenges to overcome to allow their involvement in the sport. The promotion and demonstration of adapted bowling aids is allowing individuals with a range of complex physical and sensory challenges to engage and re-engage in bowling activities.

Practical demonstrations of specialist equipment and enlisting the services of facilitators has aided novice and established bowlers’ participation and offered solutions to a range of participation challenges: (signage and directors – visually and hearing impaired bowlers; utilising bowling aids: specially designed bowls wheelchairs; bowling arms to propel woods).

The organisation will work with communities (bowls clubs and volunteers), and particularly those who have supported the running of events and activities in the first eighteen months to encourage their ongoing and future engagement.

Local volunteers will be recruited to fulfil many roles. Volunteering roles include regional coordinators, coaches, umpires and officials, classifiers, support staff, wood gatherers, directors for visually impaired bowlers, signage for hearing impaired bowlers, wheelchair pushers and administrators.

Making Bowls Truly Accessible

This is important because, despite its uncomplicated nature, there are too many known and perceived barriers to getting involved in our sport. Bowls must evolve to complement current lifestyles, and intervention must be put in place to create behavioural change amongst potential new players, helping tackle deep-rooted inequality in sports activity.

We will do this by:

  • Developing and marketing new, introductory forms of the game to service identified target markets of new bowlers.
  • Modernising our digital platforms and experiences so new bowlers can easily locate opportunities to get involved in our sport.
  • Working with clubs and facility owners to break down barriers and ensure every new bowler’s first time is uncomplicated and compelling.
  • Developing and implementing a Diversity and Inclusion Strategy to ensure our sport is more representative of society.
  • Building new partnerships with like-minded organisations to engage groups of people from outside our sport.

We will measure this by:

The number of new people engaging with our sport and the diversity of our sport’s participant-base.


With support of disability athletes there may be funding available to help. Please find our funding portal here.

Approved Bowling Aids

There are a number of approved aids that can assist someone to bowl, from launchers to bowls green friendly wheelchairs.

If your club is in need of ramps to access the green then we have a list of approved suppliers.

Click here to find out more.

Playing Opportunities

DBE play friendly fixtures and Competitions during the Indoor & outdoor season around England for more information on our calendar of events visit www.disabilitybowlsengland.org.uk/events/

Contact us

Disability Bowls England, Gedling Indoor Bowls Club, Foxhill Road, Carlton, Nottingham, NG4 1RL.

E-mail: steve.watson@disabilitybowlsengland.org.uk
Website: www.disabilitybowlsengland.org.uk

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