Affiliation is the method by which a club “joins” with Bowls England and contributes to the growth and governance of the sport. Once a club is affiliated, it can benefit from the numerous partnerships, programmes and support packages available – hence it is the club that enjoys the benefit rather than the individual. Therefor a club needs to contribute on behalf of all of its playing* members, each season to qualify for those benefits.
It is important to again clarify, an affiliation is not linked to competition. Any member of a bowls club who participates in any form of bowling (whether competition, in a league, or just social roll ups), contributes a small fee to help ensure the future of the sport.
Club affiliations are a vital part of bowls, and member affiliation fees are the lifeblood of the sport. They bring great benefits that allow the sport to function effectively and fairly. When a club member pays an affiliation fee to their county and to Bowls England, they are in effect contributing to the health of the game, and ensuring the sport has a bright future.
Accurate reporting of participation within the sport is vital for us to gain funding from the government and potential sponsors, but also to try to regain a position with national broadcasters so the sport can be a showcase to attract new players and sponsorship into the game.
* Any person within that club who has access to playing bowls as part of their membership agreement with the club, whether that be once a season or competitively throughout the year, regardless of whether that person takes the opportunity to participate or not. This includes, but is not limited to Full Membership, Junior Membership, Honorary Life Membership, Discounted Rates for Unemployed/Retired/New Members, Weekend Only Membership, Daytime Only Membership
Once a club is affiliated, they are entitled to access any of the Bowls England support services featured. Every affiliated club will appear on our Club Finder page that you can edit and keep up to date with important information for any prospective new member. Please click here for a full list of affiliated club benefits
Please click here to find a list of all Affiliated Clubs and Counties
To affiliate, a club needs to register with its own county administration, and make a declaration of its membership numbers. A contribution based on those membership numbers is then made to the county (the county will also request a small affiliation contribution to their organisation) who then forward the club’s registration, along with its contribution, to Bowls England. Affiliated contribution to Bowls England is set at £7 per playing* member.
Once accepted by the county administration, the club will be deemed an affiliated member of Bowls England and have accepted the rules and regulations of the organising body.
Renewal of Affiliation takes place every May. Clubs are required to return their affiliation numbers to their county by 1st May each year (some Counties will have different dates but will advise you of these). A club should affiliate all its members* for the season. Any additional members the club obtains throughout the year will be requested via final return from the club in September.
* Any person within that club who has access to playing bowls as part of their membership agreement with the club, whether that be once a season or competitively throughout the year, regardless of whether that person takes the opportunity to participate or not. This includes, but is not limited to Full Membership, Junior Membership, Honorary Life Membership, Discounted Rates for Unemployed/Retired/New Members, Weekend Only Membership, Daytime Only Membership