Bowls England’s Greens Maintenance Bursaries help members of affiliated clubs to obtain a Greens Maintenance qualification.

All successful applicants will be reimbursed up to 50% of the relevant course fee, up to a total of £200 per affiliated club, per year. The cheque will be made payable directly to the affiliated club which is supporting the application.

Payment will only be made when an applicant has successfully completed their course and have completed the form below along with providing copies of invoice and relevant certificates.

Please note that due to expected demand only one application per year (ending 30th September annually) will be supported per affiliated club.

The decision of the Bowls England awarding panel on all applications will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Please complete this form in full to apply for a Bowls England Greens Maintenance Bursary

For more information regarding the Bowls England Greens Maintenance Bursary contact Moira Drost on 07789 026288 or email and he would be pleased to assist you.

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