How Bowls’ Big Weekend is helping clubs grow their player numbers

22nd May, 2023

How Bowls’ Big Weekend is helping clubs grow their player numbers

With Bowls’ Big Weekend fast approaching, one club in Buckinghamshire has been explaining how the event has proven to be an important part of their plans to grow the number of people playing the sport.

Bletchley Town Bowls Club have taken part in Bowls’ Big Weekend since its inception, and their Secretary Malcolm Davey explained: “In 2022 we had the best part of 20 people turn up, ranging from 30-year-olds to those in their 50s, not the normal retiree age like people expect!

“With Bowls’ Big Weekend we’ve also had people from different backgrounds, last year in total I think we had the best part of 20 people turn up, and about half of them actually went on to stay with us long term.

“The majority of the people who came through the door had never played before, although one chap Paul had been a bowler in the past but had to stop playing because of a back injury. We managed to help coach him properly, get him playing in a way that was good for his back and he’s still playing regularly now.

“We like to combine Bowls’ Big Weekend with our own club Open Day, and it’s another means of bringing new people in.

“As a club we try to stay active, in the winter we use the clubhouse for quizzes, bingo and so on just to keep people connected to the club and it’s things like that which are important.”

Bowls’ Big Weekend gives people across the country the opportunity to play the sport for free in a relaxed, informal setting.

What is Bowls’ Big Weekend?
Bowls’ Big Weekend will run from Friday 26th to Monday 29th May 2023, when clubs across the country will open their doors to enable new participants to discover everything that is great about our sociable, accessible sport.

New to the sport?
If you’ve never played bowls before, this is the perfect way to start as clubs will supply all the equipment you need, you just need to arrive with flat footwear and comfortable clothing!

Returning to bowls?
And if you’re coming back to the sport, this is also the perfect way to ease yourself back in at a club near to you with welcoming faces and like-minded players.

Part of a club already?
If you’re already a bowls club player, there is still time for your club to sign up and host an event on any of the four days.

We look forward to seeing everyone at Bowls’ Big Weekend!

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