The past week has seen the release of our latest Return to Play guidance and publication of our National Competition draws. The enthusiasm from the whole bowls community at the prospect of getting back on the greens has been fantastic to see.
The publication of these documents has generated a large number of queries and, due to the large volume of phone calls, we’ve collated various answers to the most common asked questions.
If you have queries around our Return to Play guidance, our FAQs can be accessed here.
We have also prepared the following answers which should answer the majority of competition-based enquiries that have been received over the last 48 hours.
Competition Rules and Regulations
The updated rules for 2021 will be available w/c 19th April at
Offering and accepting of dates
The Challenger does not need to offer dates until 21 days before the closing date of the first match, nor does the opponent need to accept a date until 19 days before the closing date of that round. We have received a number of queries from participants regarding the arrangement of fixtures that are not due to be played for several weeks, including some well into July.
Postal Draws
Postal notifications, where necessary, will be sent to participants no later than 21 days before the closing date of their first match.
Duplicate Entries
If there are any duplicate entries, please email with the details.
If you have received a walkover, please email the details to This will be actioned within the play by date window of the relevant round.
Now that the draw has been published, we are unable to process any refunds regardless of the circumstances.
Account Access
Anybody who is unable to access their online account to make changes directly should email
Should your query not be covered by the above, please email in the first instance.
We will prioritising responses based on those events with a play by date before 19th May. All other competition queries may receive a delayed response as a result.