Bite-sized rules

In a hurry? Not a problem! A Bowls Bash match last just an hour, and here’s a quick guide on how you play the game.
- 2 teams of 2 – Reds and Yellows
- 3 bowls each player per End
- 5 Ends complete a Set
- 2 Sets complete a Match
- Scores 1-1, or both sets tied, a tie-break (TB) determines the winner
- Decide which team goes first
- Players take it in turns to deliver their bowls closest to the Jack
- Closest bowl 3 pts, second 2 pts, third 1 pt
- Your bowl touches the Jack (a Kiss), 2 pts bonus
- Each team can nominate 1 Power-Play End per Set, which scores double
- The player who scored 3 pts places the Mat and starts the next End
- Tie-break is 1 bowl per player, nearest bowls to the Jack wins. Time to be a hero!
- Any bowls in the Ditch do not count
- If the Jack is knocked out of play, it returns to the Spot
If you’re new to the game, or have time to read more detail, click here.